Our Clubs And Initiatives - Childrens Academy

Co-curricular Activities


RF 21


Ready for 21st Century is an initiative to prepare students to learn in a global classroom. 21st Century learning helps students master the required content while analyzing and evaluating information from varied subjects with an understanding of and respect for diverse cultures.

Embracing 21st century learning requires consideration of core competencies such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, compassion and creativity. RF21 prepares students to work as a team by making them compassionate, more tolerant, and empathetic towards one another.
Students learn to communicate and collaborate with classmates on alarming issues to find out solutions by critically analysing and evaluating the situation and adding their own collaborative creativity to present the issues with favourable and doable solutions for the same.

Our Clubs

The Trailblazers Club is an empowering and collaborative platform that unites the IBCP students of CAIS with the secondary students of Children’s Academy Group of Schools. It serves as a dynamic space where young minds come together to cultivate essential life skills like leadership, resilience, and negotiation. Through a variety of interactive activities and projects, the club provides students with the opportunity to step outside their comfort zones, face challenges head-on, and work collaboratively towards common goals. It’s not just about learning - it's about building a strong network of motivated, forward-thinking individuals who are prepared to lead, inspire, and make a meaningful impact in their communities.
Our schools’ Nature club aims to sensitize, motivate and educate students and staff about environment conservation and sensitize them towards a sustainable form of living. We aim to encourage students to zealously work and strongly fight for the cause of preservation of the natural environment and build a Green Army of environmentally conscious citizens.
Through meetings, talks, workshops, study groups, field trips and publications, we aim to develop an awareness of and encourage an interest in the natural environment among its members and the community .
It is the long term goal of the Nature Club to make the school a zero waste unit and a green space. The tools and arsenals that we deploy in bulwarking the children are planned right at the onset of the year. The clubs offer multifarious opportunities to the children to express their consciousness. Students of the Nature Club undertake the hosting of the celebration of important days like World Environment Day, World ozone day, World water day, and No car day among others. Tree plantation drives along with the PTA are held on Open house days. Students of the nature club also undertake Composting and recycling of plastic waste. Students of the school participate in fun indoor activities like poster making and paper bag making on topics relating to saving nature. Quiz sessions are held on the nature and environment and outdoor activities like field trips to B.N.H.S, Mahim Nature Park, National Park, Bhavan’s Nature park are also conducted by members of the Nature Club.
The Science Club’s core aim is to stimulate active participation among students, encourage interest in science, explore creative and inventive alacrities of the mind.

Through our famed Science Clubs, We aim to embark on a voyage of discovery for the students to develop a scientific temperament within them and develop awareness for scientific issues in varied contexts. The Science Club aims to use it’s various events to kindle a genuine interest in scientific activities. The Science Club also sensitizes students towards the STEM fields for visualising and solving day to day problems.

The Science Club of the school has worked hard to ensure the school turns into a ‘No-Plastic Zone’ and this is one of the Club’s long term goals. With that aim in mind, seminars were held by the school council members for parents of the school. A workshop for the ancillary staff was held as well. Students of the school were encouraged to participate in paper and cloth bag making competitions and the bags were distributed to vegetable vendors in the vicinity.
Multiple high-science research-based Projects were taken up by students of the Science Club with topics related to ‘Alternative to Plastic’, Workshop on Robotics, Cognium Global Hands On Minds, AIWM Challenge- balloon- powered toy cars etc.
India is a nation of a rich and varied history. From the mountains in the north to the endless coastlines in the south of the country, each grain of sand is made rich with the nation’s heritage. The Heritage Club of Children’s Academy was established with the sole purpose of preserving and promoting India’s rich heritage. Through the various activities of the club, we aim to involve and motivate the students to contribute to activities that aim at preserving and promoting the heritage of India.
We hope to prepare dynamic and caring citizens who will meet the challenges of a global society while retaining their traditional values. Through the Heritage Club, students visit various historical sites in Mumbai like the Kanheri Caves, Mandapeshwar Caves, Bandra fort etc. This has led to increased awareness on the reasons to preserve these sites for generations to come. They also outlined the ways on preserving and protecting these historical and heritage sites.

English, being the Lingua Franca of the contemporary world, as well as one of the two official languages of our nation, is a language of great importance. Through our Literature Club students to appreciate the English language as a window to the world. The various new literature we introduce our students to expand the horizon of the student’s imagination and expression in English and help sculpt raw potential. Through our many activities, we encourage students to develop good communication skills as well as promote the ability to organize, analyze and present ideas creatively. Not only do we enhance the students’ linguistic and writing skills, we also help the students analyze the fine nuances of various facets of literature.

Various competitions and workshops are held by the Literature Club focusing on the various aspects of English Literature. Poetry Writing Workshop, Film Review Workshop, Book Review Workshop, Elocution Competition, and Extempore are only some of the activities held by the Literature club. To further art appreciation among the students, the Literature Club also holds ‘Analysis of a work of art’ workshops where paintings and other artworks are analysed.
The Citizenship Club aims to develop a sense of responsibility amongst the students towards the society and the nation. It is not enough for the Children’s Academy Group of Schools to nurture just a knowledgeable student. We aim to nurture a wonderful citizen who will work tirelessly towards the betterment of the nation. The Citizenship Club encourages the students to take an active part in activities that can bring about a positive change in the society and the nation at large.
The Citizenship Club aims to transform the outlook of students towards Civics from ‘just an academic subject’ to something that they can relate to. The club conducts various activities to promote and foster civic values amongst the students thereby preparing them to contribute to the wellbeing of the society.
The Anti-Addiction Club of Children’s Academy Group of Schools promote a healthy society, free from disease resulting from use of narcotics. The Club’s mission is to sensitize students about the ill effects of addiction and to make the school and society free from all kinds of addiction. The club aims to make the students and the people at large aware of the harmful consequences of smoking, using narcotic drugs, and consumption of alcohol.
The club conducts street plays, and seminars on the ill effects of addiction. It organises rallies in the school vicinity. It conducts seminars on awareness for students and non-teaching staff. Various competitions for students, such as slogan writing, poster making, street plays etc. are also conducted by the Anti-Addiction Club.
Swachata Club was formed with a view to create a clean and green India. The club aims to acquaint students and the public at large about sanitation and public health. Furthermore, the club generates awareness about the design, execution, and operation of all systems related to cleanliness.
Through this, we aim to transform the outlook of students towards cleanliness. We truly believe that students need to become more involved and motivated to contribute to activities that aim to clean the vicinity and society. Through the many activities of the Swachata club, the students are sensitized, motivated and educated that cleanliness is a form of their ethical, social and national responsibility.
The club conducts street plays, and seminars and organizes cleanliness rallies in the school vicinity. The Swachata club also conducts various competitions for students such as slogan writing, poster making, street plays etc. Students go from class to class to monitor the cleanliness of each class on a day to day basis.
The Quiz Club of the Children’s Academy Group of school aims to kindle a curiosity in students to gain knowledge about different fields and aspects of life, locally and globally. We hope to ignite with students the joy of learning and an interest in Quizzing. The Quiz Club members have participated in various famous competitions such as the Bharat Ko Jano Quiz, Science Quiz, Ram Krishna Mission Quiz.
The Photography Club encourages the members of the club to explore the world of photography. Students are encouraged to learn about photography and capture the best moments in school on the lens of their cameras. The students are motivated to learn how to improve their picture taking skills. The students interact with professional photographers and display their works. The students of the Photography Club are also tasked with capturing all school based events and showcasing the wonderful images captured by them.
The main vision of the Computer Club is to expose the students to the latest advancements in computer technology and give individuals an opportunity for sharing and extrapolating on ideas, views and knowledge in the field of computers and fast-changing technology. The Computer Club of Children’s Academy aims to leverage technology to have it become the wings that allow our learners to fly faster and farther.
Every year, the Computer Club conducts grade-wise computer base competitions. The Robotics workshop has been a year-long activity for the five years through all grades. Game workshops are arranged for two weeks every year. Members of the Computer Club also train children for prestigious competitions like the Design Championship and other robotics competitions.
The aim of the Math Club is to ensure students are better aware of the beauty of mathematics. The Math Club endeavours to get students excited to explore the multi-dimensional arenas of Mathematics and apply their knowledge to real-life Math investigations. The club also aims to get young learners enthusiastic about mathematics and inculcate a passion for logical reasoning.