Discover the Pre-Primary Curriculum at Budding Blossoms

Our Philosophy

The early years of a child’s life are crucial foundational years and at Budding Blossoms, the Pre-Primary section of Children’s Academy Group of Schools, we certainly recognize the importance of the first 1000 days of a child’s school life.
We believe in sowing the right seeds by infusing a progressive blend of integrated activities into a carefully crafted Curriculum. It is uniquely designed to foster the child’s inquiry and self-learning skills through hands-on exploration and active engagement.
In line with this belief, the Budding Blossoms logo symbolizes wholesome joyful learning in an invigorating learning environment to help our flowers blossom and radiate their fragrance. Thus having acquired key basic skills during the early years, the child transitions effortlessly into the higher grades and imbibes the school ethos.

Highlights of the Curriculum

The integrated learning approach is the basis for the curriculum designed at Budding Blossoms. We incorporate the best teaching learning practices from diverse pedagogies into our curriculum which caters to the individual needs and learning styles of our children.
We believe in sowing the right seeds by infusing a progressive blend of integrated activities into a carefully crafted curriculum. It is uniquely designed to foster the child’s inquiry and self-learning skills through hands-on exploration and active engagement.
In line with this belief, the Budding Blossoms logo symbolizes wholesome joyful learning in an invigorating learning environment to help our flowers blossom and radiate their fragrance. Thus having acquired key basic skills during the early years, the child transitions effortlessly into the higher grades and imbibes the school ethos.

Co-Curricular activities

In our constant endeavor to offer children a wholesome learning experience, they are provided opportunities to participate in various extra-curricular activities in addition to focusing on academics. Events like cultural extravaganza / Annual Day and Sports Day / Fun-a-thon are celebrated with a lot of gusto. Grandparents Day is a special event dedicated to grandparents highlighting the unique role they play in the lives of children. All national days and festivals are commemorated to weave the threads of our culture and tradition into the fabric of children’s lives.

Click below to check out pictures and videos of activities


A key factor that can be observed in the infrastructure of Budding Blossoms is our well-lit, well-ventilated and colorful classrooms. The structure of the classrooms is well planned and designed to provide flexibility to conduct large group as well as small group sessions. This ensures a comfortable, joyful and safe physical learning environment for children.
The highlight in our infrastructure is the Activity Room which comprises of learning centers / corners such as dramatic play corner, kitchen corner, blocks & puzzles corner, art & craft corner reading corner, writing corner and art & craft corner. The layout of equipment in each learning corner is planned in synchrony with the curriculum and also aims to tap on specific skillsets as per diverse learner needs.
All the classrooms and activity rooms are equipped with state of the art technology. Used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital learning aids in order to build 21st century skills, increase engagement and support learning.