Examination & Evaluation at Children’s Academy | Assessing Student Progress and Performance
Admissions Open For The Academic Year 2025-26

Examination & Evaluation at Children’s Academy

Academic attainment of a student is evaluated on the basis of Formative & Summative modes.
(a) Formative Assessments: These are carried out both formally and informally by the teacher in the course of teaching and are diagnostic or remedial in nature. The subjects assessed under Formative assessment are Languages, Math, Science and Social Studies. They are assessed with a variety of assessment tools.
(b) Summative Assessment: This is an overall assessment of the student performance which is done at the end of the term. It serves as a feedback on student learning for the teacher and the parent.
At the end of the academic year, an average of all Formative tests & Semesters are calculated and grades are assigned.

Promotions Rules for Grade I to IV, VI, VII

  • The school reserves the right to disallow students whose attendance is below 75% of the working days, from taking the Semester examinations.
  • Students absent from an examination for any reason whatsoever will not be re-examined.
  • Students from these grades will be promoted to the next grade at the end of the academic year if minimum learning competencies [Grade D] in the basic school subjects are achieved. If assessment of the semester’s performance reveals that the intended learning competencies in the basic school subjects in Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science are not achieved, then the students will have to undertake remediation and a test will be administered in the last week of April. A satisfactory level of achievement in the test will ensure promotion to the next higher level.
  • The school reserves the right to deny promotion to any student who does not complete 75% attendance during the academic year.

Promotions Rules for Grade V & VIII

The Maharashtra government amended the Right to Education Act of 2009 based on the Central government guidelines, in June 2023. The new amendment allows the students to be detained in the same class if they fail in Grades V and VIII. The government guidelines will be followed by our school.

Promotions Rules for Grade IX

  • The school reserves the right to disallow students whose attendance is below 75% of the working days , from taking the Semester examination.
  • Students are deemed to have passed G IX if they have attained the pass standard in at least five subjects which must include the subject English. The pass percentage for each subject is 33%. In addition to fulfilling these conditions, he/she has to attain a passing grade in SUPW and community service, Marathi, and the other co-curricular subjects as examined/assessed internally by the school.
  • The result sheets will show the result in the examination as a whole and also indicate the standard reached in each subject taken, (except socially useful productive work and community service) by grade points ranging from 1 to 9, 1 being the highest and 9 the lowest. Very good is indicated by Grade points 1 and 2. Grades 3, 4 and 5 indicate a pass with credit, 6 and 7 indicate a pass and 8 and above a failure.
  • The standard reached in socially useful productive work and community service (Internally Assessed) will be shown on the result sheet by grades A, B, C, D or E; A being the highest and E the lowest. A, B, C or D indicate a pass and E a Failure.
  • This is a controlled document. Unauthorized access, copying and replication is prohibited. This Document must not be copied wholly or partially without the written authorisation of the C.E.O of Children’s Academy Group of Schools.
A B Average
Grade I Internal Assessment 100 marks Internal Assessment 100 marks 2nd Semester Exam 25 marks A+B / 2
II – V Internal Assessment 100 marks 1st Semester Exam 50 marks Internal Assessment 100 marks 2nd Semester Exam 50 marks A+B / 2
Grade VI - VII Internal Assessment 50 marks 1st Terminal Exam 50 marks Internal Assessment 50 marks 2nd Terminal Exam 50 marks A+B / 2
Grade VIII & IX Internal Assessment 20 marks 1st Terminal Exam 80 marks Internal Assessment 20 marks 2nd Terminal Exam 80 marks A+B / 2


91% to 100% A1 1
81% to 90% A2 2
71% to 80% B1 3
61% to 70% B2 4
51% to 60% C1 5
41% to 50% C2 6
33% to 40% D 7
21% to 32% E1 8
Less than 20% E2 9